News and Press Releases

"K" Line Group Introduces Its Own Environmental Management Promotion System - "DRIVE GREEN NETWORK"

August 4, 2017

"K" Line Group recently established the "DRIVE GREEN NETWORK" ("DGN") to promote its environmental management throughout the entire "K" Line Grou and has started implementing its operations.

DGN is a system for strengthening our environmental management, setting environmental policies and targets that encourage their achievement through the efforts being conducted by each Group Company with internal audits, etc., and that aims to continuously improve environmental conservation activities through the PDCA cycle (Note 1) while ensuring environmental compliance throughout the entire“K”Line Group.



June : Started Phase 1
(Domestic companies that are ready for environmental management systems.)
October : Annual review at Group Environmental Conference
November : Acquisition of SOC (Statement of Conformity) from third party certification body.


April : Start Phase 2
(Full-scale operation by all targeted companies in Japan. In addition, some overseas group
companies are also planning to implement them.)

This name embodies the wishes of our environmental flagship “DRIVE GREEN HIGHWAY” (Note 2) completed in 2016, that we will inherit the ambition to take preemptive actions for
the future.

“K”Line Group is promoting environmental measures based on "K" LINE Environmental Vision 2050 (Note 3) that is the Group’s long-term environment management vision toward 2050.  As an environmental front runner, we will continue to aim for the realization of being a business that enables a greater number of people around the world to enjoy the advantage of marine transportation characterized by a lower environmental load and higher efficiency.  


(Note1) The PDCA cycle: Separating processes into Plan, Do, Check and Act.
Following this PDCA cycle is one management method to continuously improve
business activities.

(Note 2) "DRIVE GREEN HIGHWAY": Please refer to this link

(Note3) "K" LINE Environmental Vision 2050 – Navigating for Sustainability Leading to a Brighter Future: Please refer to this link